There is a lot of research on the impact of parent involvement. Here are a few major findings in a recent study.
Decades of research show that when parents are involved students have:
Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
Better school attendance
Increased motivation, better self-esteem
Lower rates of suspension
Decreased use of drugs and alcohol
Fewer instances of violent behavior
Family participation in education was twice as predictive of students' academic success as family socioeconomic status. Some of the more intensive programs had effects that were 10 times greater than other factors.
The more intensely parents are involved, the more beneficial the achievement effects.
The more parents participate in schooling, in a sustained way, at every level -- in advocacy, decision-making and oversight roles, as fundraisers and boosters, as volunteers and paraprofessionals, and as home teachers -- the better for student achievement.
STAR Academy offers many opportunities for parents to play a role in our school! We know that working closely together with families will have a huge impact on our children's success. To find out more about any of these opportunities, check out our school calendar or speak with our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Shi Jackson.